Ultrasonic Light Pole Testing
What is Ultrasonic Testing?
Ultrasonic testing is a way to measure the wall thickness on a metal pole. Many light poles appear to look like they are in good condition from the outside, however, they might be failing inside from rust and corrosion that you can't see.
JMR Electrical Contracting uses an ultrasonic tester that uses ultra-high frequency sound waves to measure the thickness of the pole. Our technician will take anywhere from 16-20 readings per pole, and from there we can tell if the pole is still in good condition.
Once the testing is done, JMR Electrical will provide the customer a detailed report of all of the reading that were taken per pole and our recommendation of the poles condition. The report will also inform the customer with other details such as:
If the pole is rusted or pitted
If the hand hole or base cover is missing
If the pole should be re-painted
and much more...